The 7th International Conference on Biological Sciences

Conference Date. 14 Oct 2021 - 15 Oct 2021


Health is frequently considered as a basic human right and is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as not simply being free from illness but in a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Biodiversity can be considered as the establishment for human health as it supports the working of the ecosystems on which we depend for our food and fresh water; aids in regulating climate, floods, and disease; provide recreational benefits, and offers aesthetic and spiritual enrichment. 

Due to Covid pandemic issues, there is a huge concern on how people increase their health quality. These approaches could be the usage of health-enhancing agents such as supplements, natural products, or else traditional medicine, that sourced from the natural biodiversity treasury. Biodiversity additionally adds to local livelihoods, to both traditional and modern medicines, and to economic development.

All human health at least relies upon biological system benefits that are made conceivable by biodiversity and the products derived from them. While the inter-linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human health are inherently complex, inter-disciplinary research is intending to build up a more careful comprehension of these essential relationships.

The current rate of biodiversity loss may have grave consequences and hamper efforts to meet a range of Sustainable Development Goals and Targets, including those related to poverty, hunger, and health, by increasing the vulnerability of the poor and reducing their options for sustainable development. 

The biennial ICBS has facilitated an international meeting on biodiversity since 2009. In this fifth conference, we continue the tradition of uniting the spirit of science with the endeavor of scientists. Providing avenues of communication between scientists, consequently, is the best means of strengthening biodiversity knowledge and promoting the ideal of environmental sustainability. Bridging together the scientific communities and enables exchanges of experience and knowledge, as well as using the lessons learned here to inform the public and policymakers, helping to encourage better and more sustainable conduct and way of life.

The 7th ICBS proudly presents its renowned venue where biologists collaborate and network with peers, learn from experts, explore the newest biological tools and technologies, and discover great career opportunities.


1. Prof. Craig Moritz (Director of the Research School of Biology and the joint ANU CSIRO-UC Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, Australia)

2. Prof. Em. Dr. Datin Maryati Mohammed (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia)

3. Prof. dr. J. (Joana) Falcao Salles (Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences)

4. Dr. biol. hom. Nastiti Wijayanti (Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada)

5. Dr. Ahmed Abd El Wahed (Institute of Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health, University of Leipzig)


1. Biosystematics, Ecology, and Evolution

2. Structural and Functional Biology

3. Biomedical Science and Natural Bioactive Compounds

4. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

5. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

6. Bio-nanotechnology and Bio-material

7. System & Synthetic Biology, and Bioengineering


How to write the extended abstract

The authors must prepare their extended abstract using Microsoft Word according to the template. The extended abstract should contain comparisons to related work, key theories, and other details found in an extended paper. Thus, an extended abstract is more than a long abstract. It should clearly specify theoretical and empirical gaps that the researcher is addressing, a concise review of seminal work, a brief description of the methodology used, results obtained, the expected contributions(s) to theory and practice, and the conclusion resulting from the study. 

The elements of your extended abstract can be organized in the following order listed: 

  • Title 
  • Author(s) 
  • Affiliation 
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Result
  • Conclusion

As a summary, please ensure the following:

  1. Font for the title (Times New Roman, 18 font size, bold, and centred), for author (Times New Roman, 14 font size, centred), Authors’ affiliation (Times New Roman, 10 font size, italics, centred), for Extended abstract (Times New Roman, 9 font size, justified, single-spaced), for headings of introduction, methods, results, and conclusion (Times New Roman, 12 font size, centred), Body text (Times New Roman, 10 font size, justified, single-spaced).

  2. The extended abstract should not contain any tables and pictures.

  3. The corresponding author must put steric (*) after the affiliation’s number.

  4. Extended Abstract Length Extended abstracts should not be more than three pages in length. The word limit is 1500 - 2,000 words.

  5. Margins. Use 1-inch margins for the top, bottom, left, and right margins. The text should be left-justified. All pages should include a page number on the bottom right corner of the page. The number should be in “Normal” font style (12-pt Times New Roman).

  6. Line Spacing. Line spacing should be single (0 before and 0 after), except for already predefined styles; leave 1 line space between body text and next heading and between paragraphs.


Full Paper Guidelines

Please follow

In any case, please pay attention to the following requirements:

For First Page: Top : 4.44 cm/Bottom: 3.17 cm/Left: 2.50 cm/Right: 2.50 cm

From Second page onwards: Top : 3.17 cm/Bottom: 3.17 cm/Left: 2.50 cm/Right: 2.50 cm.

 No information in the header and footer, such as page numbering; all papers of the same conference need to follow the same template and reference style; font: Times New Roman; size A4.

Corresponding authors: Please mark the corresponding author with an asterisk (*). In case there is no asterisk, per default, we will consider the first author as the corresponding author.


Oral Presentation

Materials/files to be submitted:

  1. Presentation file (in PDF format)

Submission Guidelines

  1. The presentation file should be submitted via the ePaper system no later than September 15th, 2021.
  2. Naming convention:  Please save all files with the following format: oral_last name of the first author.
  3. Length of presentation:  A total of 20 minutes has been allocated for each presentation.  It is recommended that the talk be no longer than 15 minutes, allowing 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

System Requirements

  • It is recommended to use at least MS PowerPoint 2010 or PDF format.
  • If you use an older version of PowerPoint, be aware that some graphics, colours or fonts may change.


Poster Guidance for Presenters

Materials/files to be submitted:

  1. E-Poster (in PDF format)
  2. 3-minute video file in which you briefly explain the contents of your research

Submission Guidelines

  1. All poster files should be submitted via the ePaper system no later than September 15th, 2021.
  2. Naming convention: Please save all files with the following format: poster_last name of the first author.

Poster Recommendations

Poster presentations should clearly illustrate the core concepts of your research. Below are
some tips for developing an effective poster if you have not already created it:

  1. Please use the same title that was submitted in your abstract.
  2. Include all poster contributors/authors.
  3. State the objective(s) of your research.
  4. Describe your research succinctly: an overview of the study, key research questions, methodology, results, conclusions, and implications for practice and future research.
  5. Include innovations, unique components, as well as outcome data.
  6. Include enough detail for viewers to understand how they can replicate your efforts.

Technical Requirements

  1. The E-Poster must be no longer than 1 page. Additional pages will not be accepted.
  2. All Posters should be in LANDSCAPE (horizontal) format. There are no required dimensions or size limit due to the virtual nature of the Poster Gallery. However, please note the larger the file, the longer it will take to download and load for viewing. Conference participants will be able to download your poster and zoom in/out for optimal viewing.
  3. Each file must be submitted as a PDF
  4. The title should be in bold. Author affiliations and e-mail addresses should be included.
  5. Your poster should include:
    1. Title
    2. Authors
    3. Introduction
    4. Results and Discussion
    5. Conclusions
    6. Acknowledegments (if necessary)

Design Recommendations

  1. Create an easy-to-follow logical layout.
  2. Prominently identify your institution.
  3. Include all poster contributors/authors.
  4. Use pictures and graphics to illustrate and emphasize, and colour to highlight important points and ideas as needed.
  5. Use a mix of font sizes for the text—larger for titles and headings, medium for text, and italics for emphasis.
  6. Less is better. Bigger is better. Don’t crowd your material.
  7. Avoid printing words in all capital letters as they are difficult to read.
  8. Recommended fonts: Georgia, Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Arial. Letters should be easy-to-read (e.g. avoid fancy or cursive fonts).
  9. Avoid background images and watermarks that may detract from the readability of your poster.

Guidelines for Recording Video Presentation to Accompany Poster

Poster Presenters are required to submit a short video file (up to 3 minutes) that will be
presented during the conference. Creating good quality audio is all in the details. Please
follow the steps below to ensure your audio is clear.

  1. Find a quiet place where you can control the environment.
  2. Mute computers, cell phones, and other items that could interfere with your recording.
  3. Be prepared. Have a script or an outline of what you are going to say before recording.
  4. Maintain the same distance from the mic throughout your recording.

Schedule for Poster Gallery

All posters will be on display in the Poster Gallery for registered Conference participants
throughout the entire Conference. Conference participants will be able to post questions to
poster presenters. We encourage poster presenters to respond to questions and comments
during the Conference period.



Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: 15 April 2021 - 30 September 2021
  • Accepted abstract announcement: 9 Oktober 2021
  • Full paper submission: 19 September 2021 - 10 October 2021
  • Early bird registration deadline: 15 June 2021
  • Registration deadline: 07 October 2021 



To participate as a presenter, there are several steps that you need to follow:

1. Register and submit your extended abstract to the ePaper system
To maximize our services, make sure that you complete the following details before
submitting your extended abstract:

  • Abstract format and content in accordance with the author guidelines
  • The uploaded file should be less than 10 MB.
  • Please ensure your document is in the DOC, DOCX, or PDF format.

Upon submission of your extended abstract, you will receive a confirmation email from the
committee. If you don’t receive the confirmation email, please contact us.

2. Peer-review process
Your manuscript will go to the blind review. We will notify you of the results on October 9th,
2021 via email and the ePaper system. If necessary, the reviewers will ask the authors to
revise the manuscripts. The details of this revision step will be informed later by the

3. Registration Fee*

  • Early bird: IDR 275.000 (Indonesian participant) / USD 20 (foreigner participant)
  • Normal: IDR 350.000 (Indonesian participant) / USD 25 (foreigner participant)
  • Additional paper: IDR 100.000 (Indonesian participant) / USD 7 (foreign participant)

*Additional publication fee will be applied if the paper is accepted for publication

Virtual conference
14 Oct 2021 - 15 Oct 2021
Paper Submission
15 Apr 2021 - 30 Sep 2021


ICBS Organizing Committee

KPTU Building 2nd Floor, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Contact person: Novita Yustinadiar, +6282121144649 (WhatsApp only)

