The 1st UGM International Conference on Southeast Asia Studies

Conference Date. 13 Oct 2016 - 14 Oct 2016

Thank you to all our conference participants for a successful ICSEAS 2016.


The 1st UGM International Conference on Southeast Asia Studies (ICSEAS 2016) is projected to be an annual conference held by the University of Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The conference is meant to bring together Southeast Asianists from within the region and in the broader academic community of Southeast Asianists. It is generally recognized that issues and problems pertaining to member states of Southeast Asia can only be resolved within a more regional context. While ASEAN has provided support to allow for regional awareness and cooperation, the academic field of Southeast Asian studies have also developed regional and transnational approaches that stress on the importance of coordination and working together in dealing with issues ranging from piracy and human trafficking to forest fires and illegal fishing to new identity formations and InterAsia cultural productions. With the coming of the ASEAN single market, greater integration of the peoples of the region point to continued need to increase our understanding of the region. Starting from a humble beginning during the Cold War, Southeast Asia is deepening its regional integration and identity, strengthening the core belief of a shared regional future and destiny. This realization of shared destiny point to the need of academics and universities to develop policy prescriptions and knowledge that are regional in approach and character.

With a broad range of research conducted annually by social scientists, economists, legal specialists, psychologists, cultural scientists and historians of Southeast Asia, this conference aims to provide a forum for both academic stalwarts and graduate students to come together and discuss the most pertinent issues concerning the region. This is also part of the University of Gadjah Mada’s aim to place itself within a strategic position in the international academic discussion of Southeast Asia. The forum provides a platform for experience and learning to graduate students to present their ideas and accept feedbacks from colleagues and esteemed experts, thus introducing many students to the academic rigor of international conferences while at the same time providing a platform for the sharing of ideas and making new acquaintances and friends.


Invitation for papers will be published along with the ICSEAS website to be published in early to mid-May. Dates for abstract and paper submission is published in the website.

ICSEAS maintain a rigorous selection process for papers by implementing a pre-conference abstract and paper review. Aside from the pre-selection review, a post-conference paper review and revision is conducted by the editorial members of the conference. The editors are experts from various social science and humanities disciplines.

The Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
13 Oct 2016 - 14 Oct 2016
Paper Submission
01 Jul 2016 - 01 Oct 2016


Badan Penerbit dan Publikasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
UGM Main Office Building, 3rd Floor, Room B3-05
Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Phone (+62) 274 6491963
Whatsapp (+62) 8112661400

