The 4th International Symposium on Congenital Anomaly and Developmental Biology (ISCADB) with the theme "Accelerating Precision Healthcare in Congenital Anomaly"

Conference Date. 04 Sep 2023 - 05 Sep 2023

Call for Abstract 

Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada will host the 4th International Symposium on Congenital Anomaly and Developmental Biology (ISCADB) with the theme "Accelerating Precision Healthcare in Congenital Anomaly".

The Scientific Committee invites those who are interested in sharing their work with the participants of the meeting, to submit their work in abstract submission for poster or oral presentation.  

Topics of Abstract: 

  1. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorder

  2. Regenerative Medicine and Biomedicine

  3. Genetic Medicine

  4. Pediatric Urology

  5. Pediatric Oncology

  6. Hepatobiliarypancreatic Surgery

  7. Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery

  8. General Pediatric

  9. Others

Guidelines for Abstract

Write your abstract according to the following guidelines:

  1. The abstract language is English.

  2. Abstracts should include original data that has not been previously published in a peer-reviewed journal.

  3. We accept articles in the form of original research (systematic review/meta-analysis included) or case report/series.

  4. Only those abstracts that have been reviewed and selected by the Abstract Review Committee may be presented.

  5. The submitting author is automatically designed as the primary/presenting author. List of author(s), institution(s), city, and country should be written below the title. Authors should write their full names. The submitting author should act as the presenting author and corresponding author. Affiliations should be numbered superscript behind each author’s name.

  6. Abstract body should not exceed 250 words, excluding spaces and must not contain any bibliographical references or appendices. No figures, tables, sketches, references and minimum use of abbreviations.

  7. Table and pictures cannot be included in the abstract.

  8. The original research or systematic review/meta-analysis abstract content should be organized in following structure: 

    • Background and aims

    • Material and methods

    • Results

    • Conclusion

    • Keywords. A maximum of six keywords may be submitted.

  9. Abstract can be from a case report/series with recommended content as follow: 

    • Background

    • Case Illustration/presentation

    • Note: There is no need to include discussion in this abstract body, but if there is one, it can be merged with the case illustration/presentation part

    • Conclusion

    • Keyword. A maximum of six keywords may be submitted

  10. Abstract can be from a literature review in the form of unstructured abstract but should cover background, review, and conclusion. A maximum of six keywords may be submitted.

  11. The authors may choose whether she/he will perform oral or poster presentation. However, final decision is in the abstract review committee. Presenters will be notified at which category their abstracts are accepted for oral/poster presentation through email.

  12. The accuracy of the submitted abstract is the responsibility of the authors. Errors made on submitted abstract are likely to appear in print. Authors should prepare and proofread their abstracts carefully prior to submission. The Abstract Review Committee will not proof-read or correct spelling, typographical, grammatical, or scientific errors, nor can changes be made once the abstract has been submitted.

  13. Once an abstract has been submitted, it cannot be withdrawn or edited. All PRESENTERS must register to attend the 4th ISCADB symposium and presenters will not be given a presentation slot until full payment is received for their registration.

Publishing Partners:

  1. Medical Journal of Malaysia (MJM, Scopus SJR Q3)

  2. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (MJMHS, Scopus SJR Q4).

​Full paper guideline can be accessed in each corresponding publishing partner's website (MJMMJMHS).

The scientific committee has prepared a dynamic scientific program, featuring an impressive roster of highly respected and internationally renowned speakers. In addition to the excellent scientific program, we will also be hosting a unique and memorable networking evening, where you will have the opportunity to rub shoulders with experts and opinion leaders in the field of congenital anomaly and developmental biology.

The faculty will represent the region’s best in congenital anomaly and developmental biology. They will provide an excellent opportunity for our colleagues to contribute to research and keep abreast of the exciting developments in our field.

Yogyakarta is a beautiful and vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. We welcome you and your family to enjoy what will be an excellent conference, and to experience all that Yogyakarta has to offer.
We look forward to meeting you in Yogyakarta in 2023.


Prof. Gunadi
Chairman, ISCADB 2023

Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
04 Sep 2023 - 05 Sep 2023
Paper Submission
10 Jul 2023 - 03 Sep 2023


Pokja Genetik Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan Universitas Gadjah Mada Alamat: Jalan Kesehatan No. 1, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp/Fax: 0274-631036 Email: Instagram: @pokjagenetikugm Twitter: @pokjagenetikugm Facebook: Pokja Genetik UGM

